One person can be an author or a co-author in maximum two papers.
The number of pages for each paper - not less than 6, no more than 8.
The maximum amount of co-authors in one article - no more than 5.
Templates And Guidelines
Word Format 17 x 25 cm, one column 170 x 250 mm paper size, one column format
Please use the IMRAD model for structuring your work. The following parts of the article are mandatory:
It must include no more than ten words (excluding prepositions, conjunctions and articles).
The title should not contain verbs.
The title should not include such words as analysis, research, study, to the question, new, problems, questions, some, features, special, from the point of view, application, search, definition, modern, current, solution, best, most / least profitable, optimum, most etc.
The abstract should be the presentation of the article without itself.
Abstract should have the same structure as the article and include problem urgency; purpose; methods; results; conclusions.
Abstract should be of 150-200 words.
From 5 to 10 words or word combinations.
This part should include the objectives of the work and its background. It should be based on the literature review. In the literature review you should show the competence in your area and its main authors and works. In the same time, you should not cite all possible references but only those that are strictly connected with your topic. The recommended quantity of references is 5-10.
This part should provide details of the experimental setup and the methods used for obtaining the results.
This part should clearly and concisely present the data using figures and tables where appropriate.
This part should describe the relationships and generalizations shown by the results and discuss the significance of the results making comparisons with previously published work.
Here the list of main conclusions is given. It should not repeat the results, but the generalization is intended.
The personal acknowledgements and also the information about funding is given here.
It is important to remember that the list of references is one of the most important parts of the article. You should show the competence in your area and its main authors and works. In the same time, you should not cite all possible references but only those that are strictly connected with your topic.
The recommended quantity of references is 20.
The cited papers should be relatively recent, actual and easy of access. It is advisable that the papers are accessible through Internet.
You should cite publications in the text with number in the list enclosed in square brackets. A list of references in the order of mention should be supplied.