International Scientific Conference

Water-Energy and Food Security in the Context of Global Climate Change and Water Scarcity

October 23-24, 2024
Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Important dates
Submission of materials: until October 15, 2024.
Confirmation of acceptance: by October 20, 2024.
Payment of the registration fee: by October 30, 2024.
Conference dates: October 23-24, 2024.

Forum Organizers

The Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management at the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" (Uzbekistan), with the support of scientists from the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" (Uzbekistan), INTI Universities Malaysia, Iowa State University, South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov (Kazakhstan), Taraz Regional University named after M.H. Dulati (Kazakhstan), Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University (Kazakhstan), as well as the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
About the Сonference

The international scientific conference "Water-Energy and Food Security in the Context of Global Climate Change and Water Shortages" will bring together leading scientists, experts, and specialists to discuss pressing challenges related to environmental protection, sustainable use of natural resources, and the implementation of environmentally safe technologies. In the face of global climate change and increasing water scarcity, key issues on the agenda will include efficient water resource management, the introduction of water-saving technologies, and land reclamation.

Special attention will be given to innovations in renewable energy and "green" technologies, which play an important role in ensuring the sustainable development of key sectors of the economy, such as mechanical engineering, energy, and agriculture. The technological modernization and automation of production processes will also be a central theme of the discussions, contributing to increased efficiency and environmental safety.

Additionally, the conference will serve as a platform for presenting the latest achievements in the digitalization and automation of the agro-industrial complex, enhancing productivity and improving agricultural machinery and crop breeding processes. Agrobiotechnology will also be explored as a crucial tool for enhancing food security in the face of climate change.

Participants from scientific and research communities in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Hungary, and Saudi Arabia will take part in the event. The conference offers a unique opportunity for international scientific collaboration, experience sharing, and the development of joint strategies to address global issues related to climate change and water scarcity.

Working languages: English, Uzbek, Russian.
Conference Co-Chairmen

  • Mirzaev Bakhаdir Suyunovich, Rector of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Uzbekistan)
  • Mukhtar Kazbekovich Baizhumanov, Chairman of the Board, Rector of Taraz Regional University named after M.H. Dulati, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Kazakhstan)
  • Baybagyshev Ermek Muratkanovich, Rector of Naryn State University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor (Kyrgyzstan)

International Scientific Committee

  • Imomov Shavkat Jaxonovich - Rector of the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers" Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Professor" of Obuda University, Hungary (Uzbekistan)
  • Ali Fazylov -DSc, Professor of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (Tajikistan)
  • Mahfouz Ahmadi - PhD, Associate Professor «Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers» National Research University (Uzbekistan)
  • Zhuzbai Kasymbekov - Academician, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Director of Scientific Work of Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Management LLP (Kazakhstan)
  • Amran, Mugahed Yahya Hussein - DSc, Professor Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia)
  • Pulatov Yarash Ergashevich, -Professor of the Institute of Water Problems, Hydropower and Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Academic Union Oxford, Chairman of the Water Partnership of Tajikistan, Head of the Department of Innovative Technologies (Tajikistan)
  • Uralov Baxtiyor Raxmatullayevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Begmatov Ilxom Abduraimovich, Professor, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Ergashev Rustam Raximovich - Professor, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Zoltán Rajnai, Professor, Dean of the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Obuda University (Hungary)
  • Podor Andrea, Professor, Director of the Institute of Geoinformatics, Obuda University (Hungary)
  • Wojtaszek Małgorzata, Professor, Institute of Geoinformatics, Obuda University (Hungary)
  • Gábor Molnar, Professor, Institute of Geoinformatics, Obuda University (Hungary)
  • János Katona, Professor, Institute of Geoinformatics, Obuda University (Hungary)
  • Shergaziev Uran, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the K.I. Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Belek Uulu Esenbek, Head of the Editorial and Scientometric Analysis Department of the K.I. Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Fedorov Mikhail Vasilievich, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after. I. Razzakova (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Korotenko Vladimir Alexandrovich, PhD, Associate Professor, Kyrgyz National University Named After Jusup Balasagyn (Kyrgyzstan)

Organizing Committee

  • Dzhoraev Fazliddin Orinovich, Vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Pogátsnik Monika, associate professor, Vice Dean for Education, Head of the Institute of Engineering, Central Asia Coordinator, Obuda University (Hungary)
  • Dimo Atanasov, Associate Professor, Agricultural University Plovdiv, (Bulgaria)
  • Frantisek Kumhála, Head of department, Czech University of Life Sciences, (Czech Republic)
  • Sara Kitaibekova, S.Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University, (Kazakhstan)
  • Dzhoraev Umid Anvarovich,, Dean of the Hydromeliorative faculty, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Dzhoraev Akram Azamat ogli, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Resources Engineering, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Khudojberdiev Feruz Shamshodovich, Doctor of Philosophy of Technical Sciences (PhD), Dean of the Faculty of Land Resources Management and Ecology, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Tahir Sultanov, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and Innovations of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Uzbekistan);
  • Kadyrzhan Shavazov, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor (Uzbekistan);
  • Komil Astankulov, Head of the Department of Agricultural Machines of the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture Engineers, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher (Uzbekistan)
  • Eshev Sobir Samatovich, Professor, head of the Department of Hydrotechnical Constructions and Pumping Stations of Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics (Uzbekistan)
  • Shaazizov Farrukh Shoakbarovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Scientific Researcher, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)
  • Mahfouz Ahmadi, Assistent, Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture (Uzbekistan)

Section 1 Environmental protection, nature management and ecological safety.
Section 2 Climate change. Water resources and water saving technologies. Land Reclamation.
Section 3 Renewable and alternative energy sources. Green energy
Section 4 Automation of technological processes and productions (in mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry, metallurgy, power engineering, etc.).
Section 5 Problems of modern electrical engineering and power engineering
Section 6 Agrobiоtechnology in the selection and production of agricultural crops
Section 7 Digitalization, automation and robotization of the agro-industrial complex
Section 8 Mechanization and electrification of agriculture
Information For Attendees

Travel, accommodation, and meals are to be covered by the forum participants themselves. International participants need to book a hotel room, provide the arrival/departure date and time, and a contact phone number. Please ensure return tickets are arranged in advance.


The publication fee (for publishing a paper in the conference proceedings indexed in Scopus) is $250.
Publication Ethics and Formatting Requirements

Articles prepared for publication must be original research manuscripts, never published before and not under consideration for publication in any other conference document (journal, etc.). All articles are expected to present new research results of international interest. Papers must be related to the main topic of the conference and its thematic fields. We only publish articles written in good English. All papers are reviewed by a native speaker. All documents are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. The acceptable minimum originality is 80%. All papers must be at least 6 pages long.
It is assumed that the authors listed in the article have made a sufficient contribution to the scientific work and therefore share collective responsibility for the results. The corresponding author is the person chosen by the group to be responsible for all contacts and correspondence with the journal. The corresponding author must ensure that all appropriate co-authors (and no inappropriate co-authors) are included in the article and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the article and agreed to its submission for publication. All articles undergo double-blind peer review. First, each article is reviewed by the conference editors, who may reject it if it does not fit the conference theme, does not meet the conference requirements, or is of low quality. In the second stage of review, the article is sent to an independent reviewer. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the article, and they can recommend:
  1. Accept the article as it is,
  2. Accept the article with minor revisions,
  3. Accept the article with major revisions,
  4. Reject the article.
Review Criteria:
  • Does the article contain enough new material to warrant publication?
  • Is the article scientifically sound and not misleading?
  • Is the article written clearly, concisely, and understandably?
  • Does the topic and writing style suit publication in the conference proceedings?
  • Is the length of the article sufficient?
  • Does the manuscript need editing?
  • Will the article be of interest and impact to the scientific community?
The review includes recommendations and comments that are subsequently forwarded to the author(s). Serious violations (e.g., data falsification or plagiarism) are taken very seriously and are subject to further investigation. Upon confirmation of any violation, the organizing committee will withdraw the manuscript from publication at any stage. The manuscript will not be sent for publication; the registration fee paid for this manuscript is non-refundable. If the article contains figures or tables taken from other sources, the author must obtain the necessary permission to reproduce them from the respective publishers.
The organizing committee strictly adheres to the principles of publishing and scientific integrity, basing its editorial practice on the guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
One person can be an author or a co-author in maximum two papers.
The number of pages for each paper - not less than 6, no more than 8.
The maximum amount of co-authors in one article - no more than 5.

Templates And Guidelines
Word Format 17 x 25 cm, one column 170 x 250 mm paper size, one column format
Please use the IMRAD model for structuring your work. The following parts of the article are mandatory:
It must include no more than ten words (excluding prepositions, conjunctions and articles).
The title should not contain verbs.
The title should not include such words as analysis, research, study, to the question, new, problems, questions, some, features, special, from the point of view, application, search, definition, modern, current, solution, best, most / least profitable, optimum, most etc.
The abstract should be the presentation of the article without itself.
Abstract should have the same structure as the article and include problem urgency; purpose; methods; results; conclusions.
Abstract should be of 150-200 words.
From 5 to 10 words or word combinations.
This part should include the objectives of the work and its background. It should be based on the literature review. In the literature review you should show the competence in your area and its main authors and works. In the same time, you should not cite all possible references but only those that are strictly connected with your topic. The recommended quantity of references is 5-10.
This part should provide details of the experimental setup and the methods used for obtaining the results.
This part should clearly and concisely present the data using figures and tables where appropriate.
This part should describe the relationships and generalizations shown by the results and discuss the significance of the results making comparisons with previously published work.
Here the list of main conclusions is given. It should not repeat the results, but the generalization is intended.
The personal acknowledgements and also the information about funding is given here.
It is important to remember that the list of references is one of the most important parts of the article. You should show the competence in your area and its main authors and works. In the same time, you should not cite all possible references but only those that are strictly connected with your topic.
The recommended quantity of references is 20.
The cited papers should be relatively recent, actual and easy of access. It is advisable that the papers are accessible through Internet.
You should cite publications in the text with number in the list enclosed in square brackets. A list of references in the order of mention should be supplied.
Our Contacts
Zhuraev Fazliddin Urinovich
Professor, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations, Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture”
Tel: +998 65 228-94-24
Asatov Sayitkul Rakhimberdievich
Head of the Department of “Land Resources Utilization and State Cadastre” Bukhara Institute of Natural Resources Management National Research University “Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture”
Tel: +998 91-408-50-13
Khamidov Mukhamadkhan Khamidovich
Professor of the Department of Irrigation and Land Reclamation, National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Engineering Irrigation and Mechanization of Agriculture"
Tel: +998 71-237-19-56
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